NEW DELHI: A photo has been widely circulated on social media in which it was claimed that a rare 11-face Shivalinga exists in the cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, which are considered as the two holiest sites among the Muslims.

The alleged picture claiming to show the "inside view" of the Mecca's sacred mosque has gone viral on the internet.

The picture depicts a column-like structure resembling a Shivling with faces of a Hindu god Lord Shiva inscribed on it. In the photo, two people could be seen standing nearby it, one of them with folded hands. Another person can be seen lying on the floor in front of the structure in prayer mode.

However, during the research, it was established that the claims made in the viral message were false and the picture belongs to a cave temple of Bhim ki dungari area of Rajasthan's Virat Nagar and not to Mecca or Medina. (Watch Viral Sach report shared below for more information)

ABP News advices people to stay away from spreading such rumours and false information.