New Delhi: Two videos going viral lately on social media are claiming that destruction of Earth has already started with the East-Asian country Mongolia.

In the first video, a black coloured thick fluid can be seen flowing, while in the second video the land can be seen moving. The second video is claimed to be of Italy.

It is being claimed that the top layer of the Earth (crust) is moving with pace because of high difference between temperature and pressure beneath the surface. It is claimed that it is the first of this kind of phenomenon that the human race is witnessing.

Team Viral Sach investigated the matter and spoke to geology experts and found that the first video is of a lava flow and the second one is if a landslide.

We also found that the first video is not of Mongolia but of a village in West China.

The second video is of Vibo Valentia in Calabria of Italy. It was shot at the time when a landslide occurred in the region.

Both the videos depict natural geological phenomenon and it is not the first time these have occurred. Therefore the claims of Earth’s destruction have been proved false.

Check out the videos here