NEW DELHI: At a time when Lalu Prasad Yadav is facing charges of alleged benami deals worth Rs 1,000 crore, some old photos of the RJD supremo with his better-half Rabri Devi have gone viral on social media, showing 'miseries of poverty' the couple had to face early in their life.

An Image shows a relatively young Lalu Yadav with Rabri Devi holding two of their children in their arms in a substandard living room. While in other pictures, Rabri can be seen sitting on floor and washing dishes in what resembles a kitchen. Two children are also sitting with her and it appears as if they're waiting for the meal to be served to them.

In pictures it looks like a mud house where both former chief ministers of Bihar used to live years ago. Questions are being raised on social media whether former Railway minister's family had to go through hard times.

Praveen Jain, the photographer who clicked these pictures, said photos that have gone viral on internet were taken when Lalu was a newly elected chief minister.

"At that time, it was prevalent about Lalu that he lives a very simple life, milk his cows on his own and own a small house," Jain said.

"I told my editor that it could be a great photo feature. Sharad Yadav, the then textile minister, informed Lalu that I am coming there (to take photos). These pictures are of his old house in Patna," he added.