New Delhi: In the past 24 hours, news about Baba Ramdev flying to London for the treatment of his knees has gone viral.

The social media brigade claims that the Yog Guru is suffering from such intense pain in his knees that he had to fly to London and that he will be staying in London for the surgery of his knees.

‘Baba Ramdev, who is the most eminent Yoga expert in the country has time and again advocated indigenous treatment methods for different ailments. He has been vocal in his criticism of present day treatment methods.

The message has led to various questions looming in the minds of people like why would Baba Ramdev would who preaches the power of Yoga, require going outside India for his surgery.

There have been instances when Baba Ramdev has cured the knees of people who had lost hopes, by simple acupressure. He has demonstrated many different Yoga exercises that as per his claims can fully cure people’s knees. He also preaches usage of Ayurvedic medicines in case of ailments.

Now this viral message claims that Baba Ramdev who has treated knees of countless men and women, has failed to cure his own knees.

The fact that he is seeking foreign medical aid for his own treatment has triggered critical comments attacking the authenticity of the Yog Guru.

One social media user wrote: “I pity those who sit in front of their TV sets early in the morning to learn ways of securing themselves from diseases.”

However the social media brigade failed to address these important questions before jumping to conclusions.

Does Baba Ramdev actually has a knee-pain?

Is Baba Ramdev really going to London for a knee surgery?

ABP News team investigated the matter to reach to its core and found that Baba Ramdev is not in London but is presently at Haridwar Yog Shivir. He will be staying there till May 5.

In order to dispel further doubts, we enquired Baba Ramdev’s spokesperson to know whether he is planning to go to London and is he suffering from any knee-ailment.

His spokesperson replied that Baba Ramdev is not suffering from any sort of ailment and is fit and fine.

The Viral message regarding Baba Ramdev’s knee-ailment has been proved false in ABP News’ Viral Sach investiagtion.