Violence erupted in Faridabad's Ballabhgarh during the Mahapanchayat held to bring justice for Nikita Tomar who was murder in daylight for allegedly refusing to marry a Muslim boy. While the mahapanchayat discussed the case, some people who participated in the gathering got up and started pelting stones on the policemen who were present there for security.

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According to the report by ABP News, trucks were seen loaded with stones which hints that the violence was pre-planned. While the Mahapanchayat adjourned on the note of discussing the issue again on 8th November, people raised slogans demanding death punishment for the arrested culprits.

The prime accused in the Nikita Tomar murder case, Tausif, and his aide Rehan had been arrested a few days ago.

Tausif, who earlier admitted to the crime, has filed an application before the court saying that he should be transferred to another jail as he fears for his life in the local district jail.

The development comes a day after a Special Investigation Team (SIT) started investigating the matter. The SIT has already spoken to the family members of Nikita Tomar. The family was also asked about its 2018 FIR against Tausif for kidnapping Nikita.

Police are probing the Love Jihad angle

It has come to light that the SIT is also probing a possible ‘love jihad’ angle in the case after Nikita’s family claimed that Tausif had been forcing her to marry him and convert to Islam.

Meanwhile, police have recovered the illegal weapon that Tausif used to shoot Nikita dead in broad daylight. The entire incident was recorded on CCTV.

What happened to Nikita Tomar?

Tausif was caught on CCTV shooting Nikita Tomar at point-blank range after a failed abduction bid on Monday afternoon. After his arrest, he told police that he shot Nikita as she was about to get married to someone else.

Tausif had also claimed that his career was ruined because of a case filed by Nikita’s family in 2018. "I couldn't study medicine because I was arrested. And hence I took revenge," he said.