In the video that was shared by Voice of Mumbai, many children can be seen playing with ball, while on child can be seen sitting on the ground to tie his shoelace.
Within seconds a car parked by the side of the road moves forward in the direction of the boy, runs him over and goes away. The boy can then be seen getting up and running towards his friends.
The horrifying video that showed the carelessness of the driver has elicited angry responses from the people.
As per reports there was a female driver on the seat, who did not notice that there was a child sitting in the front of her car as she carelessly drives all of her car over him without even stopping. The boy was luckily pushed on the ground as the car struck him, because of that he could escape without any major injury.
As per reports the lady who lived in the same society as that of the boy was arrested for negligent driving and later released on the bail.
Watch the video here:
The video has triggered angry responses from netizens