After a video emerged on social media on Wednesday in which a Japanese woman was being groped, harassed and manhandled by a group of men in Delhi during Holi celebrations, the Delhi Police has taken cognisance of the matter and sent an email to the Japanese embassy asking for details of the woman. No formal complaint has been filed in this regard so far, according to the police.
"Cognisance of video taken, no complaint received so far. Email sent to embassy for details of the woman & information on men seen in the video also being collected," said Delhi Police, as reported by news agency ANI.
Swati Maliwal, chief of Delhi Commission for Women on Friday reacted to the viral video and said that DCW will issue a notice to the Delhi Police to arrest the perpetrators. "Completely shameful behaviour," Swati Maliwal tweeted.
In the video, the men are seen grabbing the woman and smearing her with Holi colours. A boy is also seen smashing an egg on her head. At one point she can also be heard saying ‘bye’ ‘bye’ in an attempt to flee from the place.
Further in the video, the woman can be seen slapping one of them as she finally manages to step away.
"Prima-facie, on the basis of landmark seen in the video, it seems that the video pertains to Paharganj, however, it is being verified on ground whether any such incident took place in that area or the video is old one," said Delhi police.
The police has already sought details of the woman from the Japanese embassy, and is also trying to establish the identity of the boys seen in the video