Chennai: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu has favoured teaching professional degrees like MBBS in Indian languages while batting for an educational system with greater emphasis on Indian history, heritage and culture.

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While speaking at the valedictory of the golden jubilee celebrations of Hindustan Group of educational institutions, Naidu said, "I have always been impressing upon the need for children to be taught in their respective mother tongues in various states to underscore the importance of language,".

He said, "I look forward to the day when professional courses like MBBS are also taught in local languages."

He said, the education system must inculcate strong ethical, moral and humanistic values.

The vice president said India was once known as 'Viswaguru' and knowledge seekers from all corners of the world flocked to centres of learning in the country, including Takshashila and Nalanda, in the olden days.

Such a scenario changed following foreign invasions and the British colonisation, he said, adding the time has come for India to once again emerge as the global knowledge hub.