Kolkata:  Friends of Rohith Vemula, the Dalit scholar who committed suicide in Hyderabad, as also some academicians on Sunday backed the Jadavpur University students for standing up to the "divisive policies" of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP).

Professors from eminent institutions like the Indian Institute of Technology and Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) joined students of several universities in rallying behind the causes Vemula championed at a convention here.

Participating in the programme, organised by the West Bengal Chapter of Joint Action Committee for Social Justice - a platform for those demanding justice Vemula - IIT professor Anand Teltumbde termed as "commendable", the "spirit of resistance showed by Jadavpur University".

He said the resistance put up by the Jadavpur University students should be emulated by other institutions.

"I am sure when colleges and universities reopen after summer vacation more such resistances will be visible," said Teltumbde.

Vemula's friend and Hyderabad Central University student Dontha Prasanth also saluted the "resistance" by JU students.

Accusing the ABVP of trying to make inroads into educational institutions by ensuring appointment to important administrative posts persons of their choice, he said "In the next stage they use violence to make their presence felt in those institutions".

Last month, por-Left students organisation of the JU and the RSS student wing ABVP were locked in confrontation over the screening of AVivek Agnihotri's award-winning film " Buddha In a Traffic Jam".

Both Teltumbde and Prasanth saluted the social reformation in West Bengal and said the state has never given importance to the caste system.