Meerut, Uttar Pradesh: In a bizarre diktat, Rishabh Academy School in the Sadar area in Meerut has asked its students to sport Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s hair cut. The same has triggered resentment among the students and their parents.

As per the parents of the students, “they have been warned that their kids won’t be allowed inside the classes until they get Yogi haircut done”. The parents also had resentment against banning of non-vegetarian food by the school management. The parents say that food should be a matter of personal choice and the same shouldn’t be imposed on the students.

The matter came to light on Thursday after some students were barred from entering the school because they did not have proper haircuts.

The management, however, denied the allegations and said its secretary Ranjeet Jain had merely asked students to be properly dressed and sport a "decent" haircut while attending school.

"I asked the students to get Yogi-like haircuts, when they were unable to understand what we wanted. We basically want very short haircuts, of the kind the Army gives. I had asked the students to remain in discipline, and get Fauji cut; Also, the students have been told strictly to not keep beards," Ranjeet Jain, Secretary Rishabh Academy said.

After the whole scene got heated up, the police was called and had to mediate between the parents and school authorities.