Democratic nominee for the 2020 US Presidential Elections, Joe Biden on Saturday formally defeated sitting President Donald Trump. Joe Biden scored a narrow victory for the presidency and defeated President Donald Trump after reaching 273 Electoral College votes by winning Pennsylvania. ALSO READ | Donald Trump Goes Golfing, Poses For Pictures After Losing To Joe Biden In The US Presidential Election

While on one hand, crowd celebrated Joe Biden's victory, Trump has refused to concede as the President of the country and even threatened the new president-elect of legal challenges.

Donald Trump launched a series of attacks alleging voter fraud as he wrote, "THE OBSERVERS WERE NOT ALLOWED INTO THE COUNTING ROOMS. I WON THE ELECTION, GOT 71,000,000 LEGAL VOTES.

In his most recent tweet, Donald Trump has also tried to counter the reports of Joe Biden getting the most votes ever.

Even on Saturday after Biden was announced as the winner of US presidential elections 2020, Trump said, "We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed."

As reactions over the US Election 2020 results continue to pour in, the concerns now are around Donald Trump seeking legal course for challenging the vote count. What happens if Trump refuses to leave the White House the way he refuses to accept the results?

ALSO READ | US Polls 2020: Trump Accuses Biden Of 'Stealing The Election', Hits Integrity Of Results With Unsupported Complaints

Trump is not expected to formally admit his defeat but he is likely to grudgingly vacate the White House at the end of his term.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to push unsupported allegations of electoral misconduct and conspiracy theories amid the trappings of presidential power. Trump took the fraud claims to court – but most of the lawsuits only demand better access for campaign observers to locations where ballots were being processed and counted.