New Delhi: The US Ambassador to India Ken Juster has apologized to India after a statue of Mahatma Gandhi outside the US Embassy in Washington DC was vandalized. Juster apologized for the incident and wrote in a tweet that he is ‘sorry to see the desecration of the Gandhi statue in Wash, DC.’ Also Read: Cop Who Knelt On George Floyd Faces Second Degree Murder Charges, Rest 3 Policemen Also Charged

According to reports, the statue outside the embassy was found with graffiti and profanities written on it using spray paint. A report by ANI says that locals in the area have alleged that unruly elements from the ongoing protests are responsible for the incident. The statue was later covered up and the local park police have launched an investigation to find the culprit. Details on the matter are still awaited. Also Read | George Floyd Death: US President Trump Feels Military May Not Be Required To Quell Protests In United States

Protests over the death of George Floyd an African American man who was killed by white police officers continues in the US and has even spread across major cities in the world. All four police officers who were involved in the death of George Floyd have now been taken into custody and charges have been upgraded. Forty-four-year-old Derek Chauvin who ho had pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck faces second-degree murder charges while the other three cops will be charged with aiding and abetting murder. There are also reports of violence, looting, and arson in several areas where protests are ongoing.

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