UP Board Class 12, Class 10 Result 2018: The result of class 10 and 12 UP board exams has been declared by  Uttar Pradesh Board (UPMSP) on its official website.

75.16 percent students in class tenth and 72.43 students in class 12 have passed.

The answer sheets of the top ten rankers of both class tenth and  class twelfth, will be made public.

Allahabad’s Anjalai Varma has topped class tenth boards this year, while Yashaswi of Fatehpur and Vinay Kumar of Sitapur are at second and third positions respectively.

In class twelfth, Rajnish Shukla of Fatehpur and Akash Maurya of Barabanki have jointly topped the examination.

Ananya Rai of Gazipur is the second topper, while Abhishek of Muradabad and Ajit Patel of Barabanki are the third toppers.

Students can check their marks and percentage at upresults.nic.in and upmspresults.up.nic.in.

UP Board conducted the examination in the month of February.

No. of students appeared: As many as 6,37,018 students had registered for the examination out of which a record total of 11,28,250 students missed their board exams.

36,55,691 registered students were from class 10 and 29,81,327 students from class 12. However, due to the strict measures taken by the board, over 1,80,826 students remained absent. It included over 53,100 high school and over 1.27 lakh intermediate students.

How to check results:

You can click this direct link to check your result.


Students can visit the official website of UP board, which are upmsp.edu.in, upresults.nic.in and examresults.net).

All these websites will have a link that will direct you to the results page.

Click on the provided link.

Select the class for which you appeared (10th or 12th )

After you enter the asked details, the result will be displayed.

You can download the results and take a print out of the same for further reference.

Other websites:

Results will also be available at examresults.net and indiaresults.com.

A message for Students:

The most important thing we want you to remember is that, if result goes your way, then its extremely good, but if things don’t go your way, remember, there are always options open to you. Sometimes, the best opportunities come out of life's unexpected twists and turns.

If you did as well as you wanted, then celebrate. If you feel you could have done much better, there are many ways to improve your performance. Remember, your results do not define who you are or how valuable you are as a person. They are a marker of one day’s performance in your life.

Stay calm. Remember that while your exam results are important, you always have additional options. You might be able to retake the exam.