NEW DELHI: The BJP-led government in Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday accepted the proposal to rename Allahabad to ‘Prayagraj’ after a cabinet meeting. According to the information received by ABP News sources, a note was also sent to all the ministers regarding the same. UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during his visit to Allahabad on Saturday had announced that there was a proposal to rename the city as Prayagraj ahead of the 2019 Kumbh Mela.

A proposal to change the name was also passed in the Kumbh Mela Margdarshak Mandal meeting held in Allahabad. UP Governor Ram Naik had already supported the demands of the saints and the people of the Sangam city.

Earlier, BJP has welcomed this move of the government while the  Samajwadi Party supremo Akhilesh Yadav attacked the Yogi Adityanath government's proposed move to rename stating that the present dispensation wanted to show their work only by "renaming".

On Twitter, he wrote “today's rulers were trying to show that they are working by just changing the name of Allahabad. They have even re-named Ardh Kumbh to Kumbh. This is toying with tradition and belief,"

The new name ‘Prayagraj’ is said to be a tribute to the city as sees the convergence of two major rivers, the Ganga and the Yamuna.