A day after announcing the guidelines for the first phase of COVID-19 lockdown exit plan, the Uttar Pradesh government revised the liquor shop timings in the state. As per the latest development, the Yogi Adityanath government has allowed the liquor shops to remain open from 10 AM till 9 PM. Earlier the shops were functioning from 10 AM to 7 PM.

News Agency ANI broke the news on micro-blogging site, saying that Liquor shops in Uttar Pradesh that are located outside the containment/hotspot zones will remain open from 10 am to 9 pm.

This comes a day after state government on Sunday announced various relaxations provided in the state under the fifth lockdown or the first unlock phase.

As per new guidelines, the markets in the state will open from 9 am to 9 pm. Social distancing norms will have to be followed. The salons will also reopen, however several precautions will have to be followed. The bus services will be operational and on two-wheelers, now two people can travel.

Moreover, public transports including autos, E-rikshaws, two-wheelers, roadways buses and city buses have been permitted to run with the condition of following social distancing and thermal screening on bus stands. The government said passengers cannot travel while standing in the bus and will mandatorily wear a face mask while commuting with any public transport. In addition to this, the government has decided to arrange ambulances near bus stands for an emergency.