The Uttar Pradesh government has imposed a complete lockdown on Sunday after the state recorded 22,439 fresh COVID-19 cases, its highest-single day spike in cases on Friday since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020.

The government said that all markets, private and public offices will be closed on Sunday. Markets, shopping malls, and restaurants will also be closed during the Sunday lockdown in Uttar Pradesh.

Also Read|UP Lockdown: Yogi Govt Imposes Complete Lockdown On Sunday; Essential Services Exempted

The government has advised people to remain indoors and only those involved in essential services will be exempted from the restrictions. Pharmacy shops, hospitals and other essential services will be available during the Sunday lockdown. Religious places will also remain shut during lockdown

The UP government stated that a massive sanitisation programme will be carried out across all 75 districts. 

Weekend lockdown in Varanasi

Varanasi will be under complete lockdown on Saturday and Sunday cys. Only shops of milk, bread, fruits and vegetables will be allowed to open till 10:00 am. Liquor shops anmd bars will be closed for 2 days. Religious places will remain closed.

It is pertinent to note that UP is one of the 10 states that have shown a steep rise in daily new COVID-19 cases accounting for 79.10 per cent of the new infections

Horrific visuals from the Lucknow crematorium with pyres piling up resulting in endless funeral fires and a huge number of alleged Covid deaths shocked every citizen of the country. Visuals shared by Netizens shocked everyone to their core. People took to social media and shared videos claiming that the deaths were caused because of shortage of beds in hospitals, no proper treatment, and no oxygen availability. 

A PTI report said that on Wednesday afternoon, there were 124 bodies at Baikunth Dham and Gullala Ghat, according to crematorium staff. The figures were 120 and 130 on Tuesday and Monday.