Aligarh (UP): In another fallout of the Centre-led demonetisation, a labourer died because of lack of treatment allegedly after his wife was unable to withdraw money from the bank.

Shamim (45), a labourer, died following a brief illness in the absence of medical attention after failure to withdraw cash from their bank account despite struggling for four days, according to the victim's wife Ruqsana and neighbours.

Ruqsana told reporters that the deceased was rendered jobless after the lock unit he was working for had shut down following demonetisation last month.

The family including an eight-year-old daughter were surviving on their savings when last week he fell ill.

All the cash they had was spent on medicines and his wife started queuing up to withdraw money from their account but failed to do so.

The condition of Shamim started deterioting on Tuesday and he died for lack of treatment as they don't have money, a neigbour claimed

The district administration is verifying claims of the labourer's family and a probe is on in the matter.

Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav had announced financial assistance of Rs 2 lakh for kin of economically backward families who die while waiting in queues at ATMs or banks.