Uttar Pradesh: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is set to hold a road show in Maharashtra as a measure to attract investors in UP. The same is also being done in the wake of Investors’ Summit which is going to take place in the state in February.

Adityanath’s road show began at 10:30am on Friday from hotel Trident, which is at Mumbai’s Nariman Point.

Several big entrepreneurs and business enterprises are participating in the roadshow.

Uttar Pradesh is organizing Investors Summit on February 21 and 22 in order to increase investments and job opportunities in the state.

Country’s big entrepreneurs and business organizations are likely to participate in the same.

The big names which are likely to participate in Mumbai roadshow include Mukesh Ambani, Ratan Tata, N. Chandrashekhar, Pawan Goenka, Subhash Chandra from Essel Group, Ashok Hinduja from Hinduja group, Dileep Parekh, Shekhar Bajaj, Arvind Lalabhai, Sudhir Mehta, Madhusudan Aggrawal, Mehulk Chowksy etc.