New Delhi: Under the fifth phase of nationwide lockdown, the Central government announced phased opening of the country with stress on restarting several activities which were suspended due to the Coronavirus pandemic. As per the guidelines announced last week, the government allowed restaurants, malls, and hotels to resume services 'with condition' and 'not in containment zones'. Besides these, Centre also permitted worship places to open from June 8.

In this regard, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) on Friday issued a Standard Operating Protocol (SOP) on preventive measures to contain the spread of coronavirus in religious places/ places of worship.

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Going by the official notice, religious places inside containment zones shall remain closed for public and the ones outside will be allowed to open. Visitors going to the temples, churches and any other place of worship will not be allowed to touch the statues, idols and holy books. No physical offerings like prasad or sprinkling of holy water will be permitted. Moreover, large gatherings is strictly prohibited.

The government  has directed the managing authorities to make sure that social distancing (a minimum distance of 6ft) and other preventive measures are followed in those premises. "The management must ensure frequent cleaning and disinfection of the floors and other surfaces. Hand hygiene (sanitizer dispenser) needs to be ensured and the entrance needs to mandatorily have thermal screening," the issued SOPs read.

It further said that footwears should be preferably taken-off inside own vehicle. If needed they should be kept in separate slots for each individual/ family by the persons themselves.

It is mandatory for all the visitors to install the Aarogya Setu App ahead of visiting the religious places. While asymptomatic people will be allowed inside the premises with face cover or masks, people aged above 65, having comorbidities, pregnant woman and children below the age of 10 years are advised to stay at home and avoid visiting religious places.

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In case of a suspect or confirmed case in the premises, the ill person should be placed in an isolated room or area and the nearest medical facility (hospital/clinic) should be informed. The premises should be disinfected if the person is found positive, the official circular said.