New Delhi: The embattled IPL founder Lalit Modi on Thursday launched an attack on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and said that he will take the Congress leader to the UK court over his "Modi surname" remarks.

In a series of tweets this morning, Lalit Modi also questioned on which grounds he was being labelled as a "fugitive of justice" and said that he was never been convicted. Further, he slammed Opposition leaders stating that they "have nothing else to do so they are either ill-informed or just vendetta prone."

"I see just about every Tom dick and Gandhi associates again and again saying I am a fugitive of justice. Why? How? And when was I to date ever convicted of same? Unlike Pappu aka Rahul Gandhi, I am now an ordinary citizen saying it and it seems one and all opposition leaders have nothing else to do so they too are either ill informed or just vendetta prone," he tweeted slamming Opposition leaders.


Lalit Modi added, "I have decided to take Rahul Gandhi to court in UK right away. I am sure he will have to come up with some solid evidence. I look forward to seeing him make a complete fool of himself."

Tagging several Congress leaders in his tweet, he alleged that they all have properties overseas.


"I can send addresses and photos etc. Lets not fool the people of India who are the real crooks. Gandhi family has made it as if they are the entitled ones to rule our country. Yes, i will return as soon as you pass stringent liable laws," he added.


He further stated: "Not even a penny to date has been proven I took in last 15 years. But what is clearly proven is that I created the greatest sporting event in this world that has generated close to 100 billion dollars. Let not 1 one Congress leader forget that from early 1950's the Modi family has done more for them and our country then they can ever imagine. I, too, have done more than they can ever dream of doing. So keep barking scam tainted looters of India like the very own Gandhi family."


In April 2019, Rahul Gandhi made "I have a question. Why do all the thieves have Modi in their names whether be it Nirav Modi, Lalit Modi and Narendra Modi? We don't know how many more such Modis will come out" remark at a Lok Sabha election rally at Kolar in Karnataka.


Last week, he was convicted and sentenced to two years imprisonment by the Surat court in a defamation case for his 'Modi surname' remark, following which he was disqualified as a Member of the Lok Sabha.