Union Minister Ashwini Choubey's brother Nirmal Choubey on Friday died at Mayaganj Hospital in Bhagalpur. He was a resident of Adampur in Bhagalpur city, and had suffered a heart attack. Relatives took him to the hospital where was admitted to the ICU, news agency ANI reported.
Relatives allege that there was not a single doctor in the ICU. "He felt physical discomfort&we rushed him here. There was no doctor. ICU is without doctor," Chandan, relative of the deceased said.
DSP (City) Ajay Kumar Chaudhary, who arrived on the information of the uproar, pacified the relatives. The hospital superintendent has suspended two doctors.
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"We will do an investigation, whenever we get a complaint. We will take action against anyone who was negligent. Action will be taken against them too (aggrieved) if they create a ruckus causing the doctors to flee," Bhagalpur City DSP Ajay Kumar Chaudhary was quoted by ANI on its official Twitter handle.
"Patient was brought in critical condition. It was found that he had suffered a massive heart attack. The senior doctor administered him the required medicine. He was then shifted to ICU but there was no doctor there. I suspended 2 doctors," Dr Asim Kr Das, hospital Superintendent stated.
(With Inputs From ANI)