Shah on Sunday afternoon took to his official twitter account to inform about the development saying, "On getting the initial symptoms of corona, I got the test done and the report came back positive. My health is fine, but I am being admitted to the hospital on the advice of doctors."
Shah further advised all those who came in his contact in the past few days to isolate themselves in order to curb the spread of the deadly Coronavirus disease.
"I request that all of you who have come in contact with me in the last few days, please isolate yourself and get your inquiry done," Shah added.
India jumps from 16 lakh Covid infections to 17 lakhs in just 2 days. With nearly 55,000 new cases (54,736), the number of confirmed infections in India crossed the 17-lakh mark on Sunday.
The country recorded a jump of over 1.5 lakh cases in the past three days. As many as 853 casualties took place in the last 24 hours, pushing the death toll to 37,364. Of the 17,50,724 cases, 5,67,730 are active cases, while 11,45,630 have been cured.
ALSO WATCH | Amit Shah tests positive for Coronavirus