New Delhi: Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Saturday took a swipe at Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengal government over alleged scams in state recruitment. "In Mamata Banerjee government, 'Shiksha' (education) has been turned into 'Ashiksha' (lack of education). They (TMC) see education as 'tolabazi' and cut money," he said, as per news agency ANI.
He accused Trinamool Congress of letting loose a regime of 'tolabaji' and 'cut money' (extortion and commission) in the education sector of the state.
"Scams happened during the state recruitments, and even in mid-day meal scheme. The people have seen all this," he added.
Pradhan was referring to the arrests of former state minister Partha Chatterjee and several officers of the state recruitment panel and education board in connection with the alleged scam in the recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff in government and government-sponsored schools.
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Notably, former West Bengal Education Minister Partha Chatterjee and his aide Arpita Mukherjee are facing a probe into the alleged West Bengal School Service Commission (WBSSC) recruitment scam.
The scam is being probed by the CBI and Enforcement Directorate.
Last year, the Directorate of Enforcement (ED) filed a prosecution complaint against eight accused including Partha Chatterjee and Arpita Mukherjee in the Teachers' Recruitment Scam in West Bengal before the PMLA Special Court, Kolkata.
"More big names will come under CBI's lens in the coming days as investigation by the central agencies progresses ... Now middlemen in job recruitment scams are being caught. Wait for central agencies to find the big names involved in it. That will happen in due course of time," he was quoted as saying by PTI.
Amping up his attack, the Union Minister said: "TMC's greatest crime is recruitment ghotala (scandal), midday meal ghotala, raising money through tolabazi and cut money ... It is indeed a sad commentary on the situation in Bengal, which used to be known as the soil of Goddess Saraswati"
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