The government's campaign for a Uniform Civil Code appears to be dividing the opposition parties, with some publicly supporting the proposed law, albeit with limitations, and others passionately opposing it. The Aam Aadmi Party, one of the Opposition's constituents, has backed the government's quest for a Uniform Civil Code (UCC), while the Shiv Sena (UBT) wants to read the fine print, but most have rejected it. Nonetheless, some opposition leaders are convinced that individual party opinions on UCC would not jeopardise the possibility of a united platform for the 2024Lok Sabha polls.

Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal said on Saturday that Prime Minister Narendra Modi should enlighten the public about the Uniform Civil Code (UCC).

Speaking with ANI, Sibal stated: “Firstly, Prime Minister should inform the country what is the proposal for UCC and on what issues he wants uniformity. Until a proposal is put forward, there is no need for a debate (on UCC). Uttarakhkand's Civil Code cannot be implemented across the country. People are not completely aware of the law, but there are discussions going on."

RJD has questioned BJP about the impact of UCC upon the diversity existing within Hindu society itself. Speaking with PTI, RJD leader Manoj Jha stated: "This is not a Hindu-Muslim issue, many are trying to portray it as that. What will they (BJP) do about the diversity in Hindus?"

Meanwhile, earlier in June, Derek O'Brien, Rajya Sabha leader of the Trinamool Congress, alleged that the UCC is a ploy by the BJP to deflect attention. Taking to Twitter, he stated: “When you cannot deliver on jobs. When you cannot control price rise. When you rip the social fabric. When you fail to keep every promise made. All you can do, in your desperation, is to fan the flame with your deeply divisive politics before 2024."

UCC refers to a body of rules that will govern matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and maintenance by incorporating customary laws from many faiths and tribes. It is one of the non-justiciable directive elements of state policy included in the Constitution. The law commission stated in a 2018 consultation document that UCC was "neither necessary nor desirable at this stage."

Earlier last month, the law commission requested public and acknowledged religious institutions' feedback and suggestions on UCC. Furthermore, several governments, like as Uttarakhand, have formed panels to examine the implementation of UCC.

On June 27, Prime Minister Narendra Modi talked to BJP booth workers on UCC and made a strong argument for it. “These days, people are being provoked by the UCC. You tell me, if there is one law for one person in a home, and another law for another person, can that house function?” Modi asked. 

"Then how can a country work with such a hypocritical system? We have to remember that even the Constitution of India talks of common rights," he further stated. 

The AAP, which governs in Delhi and Punjab, backed the UCC. Speaking with PTI, AAP national general secretary Sandeep Pathak stated: "In principle, we support Uniform Civil Code (UCC) as Article 44 also says that there should be UCC in the country. However, it should be implemented after wider consultation with everyone. We feel that there should be wide consultation with all religions, political parties, and organizations and a consensus should be built."

A day after expressing his full support for a Uniform Civil Code and urging against politicising the matter, Himachal Pradesh PWD Minister Vikramaditya Singh stated on Saturday that raising sensitive subjects before elections is part of the BJP's agenda, PTI reported.

Addressing the media today, Singh stated that it is a deliberate effort to deflect people's attention away from basic concerns such as unemployment and a declining growth rate.

He questioned the timing of the issue, claiming that the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA), which has been in power with a full majority for the past nine years, did not initiate any action to implement the Uniform Civil Code earlier and is now attempting to spark a debate on the issue for electoral gains.

“Whenever the bill on Uniform Civil Code is brought, we will support it. The Congress party is committed to the unity and integrity of the country and full support would be given to it by the Congress,” he said.

“At present there are several important issues like Manipur which is burning for the past two months…but neither any action has been taken against the chief minister nor emergency or Governor’s rule has been imposed and a similar situation is emerging in many other states too,” he said.