New Delhi: Rajya Sabha MP and Shiv Sena member Priyanka Chaturvedi wrote to the Union Education Minister on Monday seeking action against the content of a book for sophomore BSc students which contains “derogatory” remarks against women. 

In her letter to the Education Minister, Priyanka stated, “It has been found that a book called ‘Textbook of Sociology for Nurses’ by author TK Indrani lays down merits and advantages of the dowry system.” 


One of the so-called advantages of the dowry system, as written in the book, states, "Because of the burden of dowry, many parents have started educating their girls. When the girls are educated or even employed, the demand for dowry will be less. This is an indirect advantage," the letter read further. 

The contents of the book states that "ugly girls can be married off with attractive dowry with well or ugly looking boys".


"It is extremely unfortunate we have such outdated ideas prevailing despite dowry being a criminal act. It is more concerning that students are being exposed to such regressive content and no action has been taken so far,” Priyanka highlighted in her letter.

The Shiv Sena member said that circulation of such “regressive textbooks” should be immediately withheld and taken off curriculum. She further said that  strict measures must be taken to ensure such anti-women content is neither taught or promoted in the future.