Hyderabad: Ugadi, the Telugu new year was celebrated with traditional fervour and gaiety across Telangana on Saturday. Telugu people wore Traditional attire and offered special prayers in the morning. People adorned their homes with mango leaves and flowers and also consumed Ugadi 'Pachadi,' which is made with neem flowers, jaggery, pepper or green chillies, salt, tamarind juice, small pieces of raw mango.

It signifies that life is a mixture of different experiences, which should be accepted with equanimity throughout the year. Ugadi was celebrated by the state government and the Congress, TDP and other parties in their offices. State Chief Secretary S K Joshi was the chief guest at the official celebrations organised by the state government.

'Panchanga Sravanam' (recitation of almanac) sessions were held at temples and other places as part of the celebrations. The state's financial position would be sound and the welfare measures would gain momentum during the year, the pandit who read out the almanac at the official celebrations said. Telangana would be able to provide guidance to other states in the implementation of welfare schemes, he added.