New Delhi: Amid the ongoing Maharashtra political turmoil, the Shiv Sena held its national executive meeting where it passed six resolutions on Saturday. One of the resolutions authorised Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray to take action against “those who have betrayed the party.” However, the Sena refrained from taking any immediate action against senior leader Eknath Shinde. The executive committee also passed a resolution saying no other political outfit or faction can use the name of the party and its founder late Bal Thackeray. This comes after Shinde faction, that has been camping in Guwahati, has named itself ‘Shiv Sena (Balasaheb)’.

"The executive decided that Shiv Sena belongs to Bal Thackeray and is committed to taking forward his fierce ideology of Hindutva and Marathi pride. Shiv Sena will never deviate from this path," news agency PTI quoted party MP Sanjay Raut as saying.

"It passed a resolution, giving all powers to take action against those who have betrayed the party to Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray," he added.

Among the other four resolutions, the committee decided that all elections will be fought under the name of Uddhav Thackeray, there will be no compromise on the ideology of a united Maharashtra, the Hindutva ideology of Balasaheb Thackeray will not be compromised, and the Shiv Sena will take legal action against those using Balasaheb's name and will also approach the Election Commission.

The executive panel also lauded chief minister Thackeray for leading the state efficiently during the Covid-19 pandemic and for the development works done over the last two and a half years, Raut said.

Condemning the rebel group, the national executive committee said that the party was strongly behind Uddhav Thackeray.

The executive committee also resolved that the Shiv Sena will contest all the upcoming local body elections and win.

It is to be noted that Sena veterans Anant Gite and Ramdas Kadam, who are members of the national executive panel, were absent from the meeting.