New Delhi: Four terrorists were gunned down in two separate encounters that took place in Jammu and Kashmir's Kupwara and Kulgam districts on Sunday, reported news agency PTI quoting the police. While two terrorists were killed in Kupwara as many were eliminated in Kulgam, they said, adding some more terrorists are hiding and operation was still underway in both the areas. Of the four terrorists neutralised, one was identified as a Paksitani affiliated with proscribed terror outfit, Lashkar-e-Taiba and the police were ascertaining identity of the second militant also, they said.
The encounter began after the forces launched a joint anti-terror operation by Kupwara Police and the Army's 28 Rashtriya Rifles following the arrest of a terrorist identified as Showket Ahmed Sheikh in Lolab area of Kupwara in north Kashmir. Heavy firing between the terrorists and the security forces is still underway.
While searching for hideouts, the terrorists started to fire at the personnel, after which the forces retaliated in which the terrorist was shot dead, the Kashmir Zone Police tweeted.
"The arrested terrorist also got trapped," the police said about the Kupwara encounter, adding the encounter was still underway.
Inspector-General of Police Vijay Kumar said the killed terrorist has been identified as a Pakistani, linked with proscribed terror outfit LeT. 2-3 more terrorists along with arrested terrorists trapped in the ongoing encounter, the IGP added.
Meanwhile, another encounter is underway in Damhal Hanji Pora area of Kulgam in south Kashmir, the police said. They said the exchange of fire was going on but there were no reports of any casualty on either side so far.
On Saturday, detected and defused a suspected Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir. after the IED was detected, on the Handwara-Baramulla Road near Ganapora in Langate area of the north Kashmir district, the officials said. A bomb disposal squad was called to the spot which destroyed the explosive device without causing any of loss or damage.