Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) Chief Fire Officer M F Dastoor said the accident took place as a pipe of the main shaft of the amusement ride broke, causing it to fall down. "There are 32 seats in the ride that go round. The pipe of the main shaft broke and crashed on the ground. How that pipe broke is a matter of investigation by Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL)," said Dastoor.
The AMC had given a contract to operate the rides in the area to private contractors. AMC Commissioner Vijay Nehra said an FIR will be registered and strict action will be taken against responsible persons. The cause behind the mishap will be investigated by the police and the FSL. "I have ordered an FIR. Why the ride malfunctioned, the mechanical reason behind it will be probed. Police and FSL will investigate the matter and strong action will be taken," said Nehra. The deceased are identified as Manali Rajwadi (24) and Mohammad Javed (22), a police official said.