Reacting to the voting, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath said, "The BJP says daily that we are a minority government and one which could fall any day."
"However, during voting in the Assembly on criminal law amendment bill, two BJP MLAs voted in favour of our government," Nath said.
This comes days after the ruling Congress dared the BJP to seek a division of votes in the Legislative Assembly if it has "courage" to do so and appealed to the opposition party to stop spreading misinformation" about the survival of the coalition government in the state.
The attack by the Congress came after the saffron party boycotted the proceedings of the ongoing session of the House when the financial bill was taken up.
"Instead of seeking a division of votes on financial matters, the BJP has been boycotting the assembly session at crucial times. The saffron party knows that in case of voting, its defeat is certain," state Congress spokesperson Shobha Oza had said on Monday.
She said BJP leaders, who are "day-dreaming to form the saffron government in the state", have been spreading misinformation about the survival of the Kamal Nath-led government.
Oza alleged instead of seeking vote division on the financial bill, which was cleared comfortably, the BJP chose to stay away from the proceeding on a "lame excuse" that the House should first pay tributes to departed Congress leader Sheila Dikshit.
"The business committee of the House on Sunday morning decided to pay tribute to Dikshit on Monday morning," she said while waving some papers, which she said are of the proceedings in the House.
(With inputs from PTI)