Mumbai: Two people who were arrested in connection to the attack on Republic TV editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami have been granted bail by Bhoiwada Court on Monday.

This development comes after the Republic TV co-founder was interrogated by the police in NM Joshi Marg Police station over his much publicised and controversial comments against Congress Chief Sonia Gandhi.

The Supreme Court on Friday had granted three weeks protection from arrest to Arnab Goswami, in response to Goswami's petition, urging the top court that no coercive measures should be taken on FIRs registered against him in Maharashtra, Telangana, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh and the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

Multiple FIRs had been lodged against him in various states for alleged hate speeches and defamation of Congress President Sonia Gandhi.

The top court had asked the Mumbai police to give protection to Goswami and Republic TV office.

Goswami has been facing the ire of Congress after he targetted Sonia Gandhi by questioning her "silence" over the Palghar mob lynching incident, in his programme on Republic Bharat news channel.

After this, Goswami had released a video where he levelled allegations against the Congress party. He had said that the party sent goons to attack him and his wife, while they were leaving from the Republic TV office in Mumbai. He claimed that this was done as a response to his remarks about Sonia Gandhi.

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