A fresh rift has come to light between Maha Vikas Aghadi government of Maharashtra and state governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari. The General Administration Department under the Chief Minister of Maharashtra did not allow Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari to use the state aircraft for a visit to Uttarakhand. Maharashtra governor Koshiyari was in touch with the general administration department for about half an hour to enquire about the same but received no response.
What is the complete matter?
Governor Bhagat Singh Koshiyari wanted to go to Uttarakhand. He reached the airport and sat there in a government plane but did not get any information regarding the permission to board the plane. According to to sources, The General Administration Department under the Chief Minister denied permission to fly on the state government. No information was given from, the department to Koshiyari. After this, Bhagat Singh Koshiyari got off the plane and sat in the VIP zone. He sat in the VIP zone for about half an hour. He then decided that he would not use the government aircraft. He will use private aircraft. It has been learned from the sources that Spijjet flew Koshiyari to Dehradun at 12:15 pm in the afternoon. Eventually, Bhagat Singh Koshiyari will leave from Mumbai for Dehradun.
The Maharashtra governor and the state government have been at loggerheads on several issues, including the opening of temples across the state during the unlock phase. Also, the issue of appointments of 12 persons as Members of the Legislative Council (MLC) through the governor’s quota, is also likely to mount the tensions.