New Delhi: In view of the truckers’ protest over vaccine mandates in Canada, the High Commission of India has issued an advisory for citizens staying in Canada or are planning to travel to the country to remain on alert.

The Canadian capital city Ottawa and several other major cities including Toronto are currently witnessing protests with road blockages, demonstrations, general strikes. "This has led to disruption in traffic and public transportation, and shortages of essential items including food and water," The Indian High Commission informed through a tweet.</p


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"The impact on traffic and services is likely to continue and local authorities in other major cities of Canada may also impose curfews or other restrictions at short notice," the advisory noted.

Citizens have been told to "exercise a high degree of caution and remain alert".It also advised Indian citizens to avoid areas where protests are taking place and asked to monitor local media for information on the evolving situation.

The Indian High Commission in Canada has also set up a helpline number for distressed citizens—6137443751 to provide assistance and guidance to Indian citizens.

Besides, it asked Indian citizens in Canada to register with the High Commission in Ottawa or Consulates of India in Toronto and Vancouver through websites or the MADAD portal (

Started as a movement against a Canadian vaccine requirement for cross-border truckers, "Freedom Convoy" emerged as a forum to voice an opinion against public health measures and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government.

In the demonstrations spanning over nine days in Ottawa, some protesters waved Confederate or Nazi flags while some demanded Canada's government be dissolved. Convoy organizers say they will not leave until the vaccine mandates are ended.