New Delhi: Ahead of Chhath Puja, toxic foam was seen floating in the Yamuna river. A video by ANI captured the toxic frothing. This comes after Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena approved holding Chhath Puja at designated ghats on the Yamuna. He urged Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to ensure clean ghats and water for devotees. 

A Joint Committee of stakeholders was set up on October 17, to control the frothing formation. It was decided that eco-friendly anti-surfactants would be sprayed from October 25 until the day of the puja. Other measures to control the froth formation would include operations of a barrage gate to minimise the issue.  

The Delhi government's revenue department is the nodal agency for Chhath arrangements. It is working in close coordination with other government departments and civic agencies to make Chhath a success.

Chhath will be celebrated on October 30 and 31. It involves offering 'arghya' to the Sun god by fasting women in knee-deep water. The festival is hugely popular among Purvanchalis — people belonging to Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh — living in Delhi.