New Delhi: Days after UPSC topper Tina Dabi announced her plans to marry second ranker Athar Aamir-ul-Shafi Khan, the couple has ended receiving a flak for their ‘love knows no boundaries’ relationship.

Amidst the wishes that the couple has been receiving for their success and the happiness that lies ahead for the two, according to a report by Janta ka Reporter, the Hindu Mahasabha has called Dabi’s decision a ‘love-jihad’.

Dabi belongs to the Dalit community whereas Athar is a Muslim.

According to the report, the hindutva outfit, Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha has penned a letter to Tina’s father asking him to reconsider his decision to wed the two.

In the letter, the Hindu Mahasabha has stated Dabi's decision to marry Athar Amar-ul Shafi as ‘painful’. In fact, the outfit even went on to suggest Tina’s father to advice Athar to consider ‘ghar-waapsi’.

Though congratulatory messages have been coming the two’s way ever since the announcement by Dabi, the ace topper had told the media about being at the receiving end of unwanted ire, earlier as well. Tina and Athar’s social media pictures had some people express disbelief over Tina’s choice of a life-partner.

Love reportedly, blossomed between the two at the department of personnel and training (DoPT) office in North Block. Dabi and Khan haven’t set up a wedding date yet but will very soon tie the knot, according to reports.