New Delhi: In a huge setback for the Narendra Modi government, the Supreme Court on Wednesday directed the restoration of ousted Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Nabam Tuki as it quashed the decision of Governor Jyoti Prasad Rajkhowa preponing the state assembly session in December 2015. The verdict attracted political reactions from senior leaders. Here is what they said.
Sonia Gandhi
“The verdict will deter the Union government from any further misuse of power. Those who had trampled upon constitutional propriety and democratic norms have been defeated”
Rahul Gandhi
“Thank you Supreme Court for explaining to the Prime Minister what democracy is ArunachalPradesh”
Arvind Kejriwal
“Modi ji doesn’t have faith either on the Constitution or on democracy. He is ruling in a dictatorial way. He is toppling the opposition governments and working against the Constitution. The Modi Government has got a tight slap twice on its face, first in Uttarakhand and now in Arunachal Pradesh”
Harish Rawat
"The decision (of the Supreme Court) has upheld the values of the Indian democracy and the constitution. The verdict will boost the federal structure".
Kapil Sibal
"And the Supreme Court has also sent a message that if there is a constitutional wrong committed they will ensure that the status quo is restored. I must salute the Supreme Court because for protecting the values that are in our Constitution, as it has discharged that duty admirably”
Image: Mayawati/PTI (File Photo)
“In the case of Arunachal as well as Uttarakhand crisis, it was evident that the NDA government was not working as per the constitution”
Srikant Sharma
“The court has given a verdict and we haven't received a copy of the judgment yet. There were differences within the Congress in Arunachal Pradesh after which a group of MLAs separated itself from the government. We don't have a government there, so to say that we have got a setback in the state is wrong”