New Delhi: A special court on Saturday sentenced former Jharkhand Chief Minister Madhu Koda to three years in jail for corruption in a coal block allocation case.

Special Judge Bharat Parashar also sent Koda's close aide Vijay Joshi, former Coal Secretary H.C. Gupta, Jharkhand's then Chief Secretary A.K. Basu, to jail for three years.

The court also imposed a fine of Rs 25 lakh each on Koda and Joshi. It also imposed Rs 1 lakh fine each on Gupta and Basu.

The court on December 13 had held Koda, Joshi, Gupta, Basu, and private company Vini Iron and Steel Udyog Ltd (VISUL) guilty of criminal conspiracy and cheating under the Prevention of Corruption Act.

The court imposed a fine of Rs 50 lakh on VISUL.

The court's order came in the case related to Jharkhand's Rajhara North coal block allocation to VISUL.