New Delhi: The Delhi Police has arrested 12 people, including 3 HDFC Bank employees, for allegedly making an attempt of unauthorised withdrawals from a high-value NRI account and also fraudulently obtaining chequebooks.

According to the Indian Express report, the accused were arrested for trying to hack into a prominent NRI businessman’s account and withdraw Rs 5 crore.

Initial investigation has revealed that the businessman had Rs 200 crore in his account and the accused tried 66 times to transfer money from his account to their accounts, said the police.

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A 32-year-old relationship manager and two of her colleagues working with the technical support team of the bank are among those accused arrested as per the report which quoted DCP (Cyber Cell) KPS Malhotra.

Police have recovered the checkbook the group had managed to obtain and also a mobile phone number identical to that of the account holder’s who resides in the US.

Based on the FIR, the police arrested suspects including bank staff. “We have suspended bank staff pending the outcome of the investigation. The bank is extending full support to the law enforcement agencies in the investigation,” the bank said.

A complaint was filed with the Cyber Crime Unit where the bank alleged many unauthorised internet banking attempts noticed in one NRI bank account.