New Delhi/Dhar: Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Monday lambasted the Bharatiya Janata Party’s ‘anti-Dalit mindset’ after visuals of Madhya Pradesh police aspirants having their chests marked with their caste -- SC (Scheduled Caste) or ST (Scheduled Tribe) ignited a political storm.

Gandhi said the body imprints to identify the caste of the candidates appearing for a medical test is a clear attack on the Constitution of the country. “We will defeat this mindset,” he tweeted.

The incident had prompted the State Home Minister Bhupendra Singh to order a probe on Sunday.

READ: Madhya Pradesh: Candidates marked SC,ST on their chest during police recruitment drive

Dhar Superintendent of Police Virendra Singh told news agency IANS on Sunday there might not be any malicious intent behind it.

"The last time some mistakes happened during the recruitment. The hospital may have undertook this method to avoid any mistake this time. However, a probe has been ordered."

The Communist Party of India-Marxist said the incident was a criminal act and demanded action against those responsible under the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.