New Delhi: Union Minister Anurag Thakur said ‘The Kerala Story’ is not just a film, there are some people who “want to lure girls into the path of terrorism” and they have been “exposed” in the film. Addressing a public gathering in Gurugram on Sunday, the minister said, “The Kerala Story is not just a film. There are some people who want to lure girls into the path of terrorism, and their face has been exposed in this film. Some political parties are opposing it. If they are protesting then they support PFI, terrorism and ISIS.”
Meanwhile, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) national president JP Nadda will be attending the screening of the film in Bengaluru on Sunday, news agency ANI reported.
Earlier on Saturday, Anurag Thakur came down heavily on Congress over the party’s criticism of the film and said the opposition party could stoop to any level for vote bank and appeasement politics.
"Congress can stoop to any level for vote bank and appeasement politics. 'The Kerala Story' is based on a terror conspiracy. It shows the ugly truth of terrorism and exposes terrorists' design. But why is the Congress opposing the film and trying to hide the truth,” ANI quoted the Union Minister as saying.
While addressing a rally in poll-bound Karnataka on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said ‘The Kerala Story’ has exposed the consequence of terrorism.
"The Kerala Story film is based on a terror conspiracy. It shows the ugly truth of terrorism and exposes the design of terrorists. Congress is opposing the film made on terrorism and standing with terror tendencies. Congress has shielded terrorism for the vote bank", PM Modi had said.
Notably, ‘The Kerala Story’, starring Adah Sharma and written and directed by Sudipto Sen, has triggered a row, with the CPI(M) and the Congress in Kerala claiming that the movie falsely shows that 32,000 women got converted and radicalised and were deployed in terror missions in India and the world.