Srinagar: In a highly tragic incident Bharatiya Janata Party leader (BJP) leader from Jammu and Kashmir Wasim Bari his father, and brother have been shot dead by terrorists on Wednesday night in Bandipora district. ALSO READ | J&K: Attack On BJP Leader Pre- Planned By Two Lashkar Militants Says Kashmir IGP

As per reports, the incident took place at the shop-cum-residence of BJP leader Wasim Bari, earlier district president of the party, where some motorcycle-borne terrorists attacked the three from a close range with a silencer-fitted revolver.

According to Police, Pakistan-based terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) was behind the attack. A newly formed terror group "The Resistance Front" claimed responsibility for the attack. The Police say it is a front of the Jaish, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hizbul Mujahideen.

What is questionable is the fact that the place of incident is barely 10 metres away from the main police station and as many as 10 policemen were  tasked with protecting the family. All the policemen have been detained for now.

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J&K Director General of Police Dilbagh Singh said Bari and his family members at the shop when the terrorists fired at them. The trio was shifted to the district hospital in a critical condition where they succumbed to their injuries.

Funeral of Bari and his family was held in Bandipora earlier in the day.

Former chief minister Omar Abdullah expressed his condolences over the incident. "I condemn the attack. My condolences to their families in this time of grief. Sadly the violent targeting of mainstream political workers continues unabated, he tweeted.

Former Bandipore MLA Usman Majid condemned the incident and demanded a through probe into the alleged deteriorating law and order situation the Kashmir valley.

"How can terrorists comes so close and hit their target which is barely 10 metres away from the police station in the town," an agitated Majid, who is a founder leader of JK Apni Party, said.

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He said he would take up the matter with Lt Governor of Jammu and Kashmir after consultations with his party leadership.

Former MLC and senior BJP leader of the union territory Surinder Ambardar said, "It is very unfortunate that Pakistan's frustration is visible by destadlising the democratic institutions whereas the BJP has made its visible imprints in the Kashmir valley.

The Congress and the PDP also condemned the incident.

"Distraught at the recurring spate of killing of political workers in Kashmir. While we express our unconditional sympathies with the family, the administration has squarely failed in ensuring adequate security arrangements amid deteriorating security conditions," the PDP tweeted.