New Delhi: Amid the ongoing debate over Rohingya Muslims, terrorist Masood Azhar has issued a threat to Myanmar and has appealed to Muslims all over the world to come forward in their support.

As per a statement issued by Azhar, “Since the matter centers around Burma, every Muslim should see this as their problem and come forward in support of Muslim brothers”. He further added saying, “The militant groups are eager to land on Burmese soil”.

Azhar expresses dissent against Ashin Wirathu’s comparison to Laden:

Ashin Wirathu, who is the face of campaign being run against Rohingya’s in Myanmar, is known as Myanmar’s Bin Laden. Fumed over Bin Laden’s comparison with Wirathu, Azhar said, “Bin Laden was a tiger who helped the needy. Whereas, Wirathu has been marking sitting in his own house”.

He further added saying, “Bin Laden always accomplished what he claimed, whereas; Wirathu is torturing helpless and poor people”.

Masood Azhar is the Chief of Pakistan based terror outfit, Jaish-e-Mohammad, who has been after several terror attacks in India. He is now trying to ‘please’ Myanmar in the name of Rohingya Muslims.

Aung San Suu Kyi breaks silence:

Aung San Suu Kyi said today she does not fear global scrutiny over the Rohingya crisis, pledging to hold rights violators to account but refusing to blame the military for violence that has driven some 421,000 of the Muslim minority out of her country.

In an address timed to pre-empt likely censure of Myanmar at the UN General Assembly in New York - delivered entirely in English and aimed squarely at an international audience - she called for patience and understanding of the unfurling crisis in her "fragile democracy".