New Delhi: A letter reportedly written by terror organisation Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), threatening to blow up the structures in Uttar Pradesh was received by railway officials on Tuesday. Following the same, the security has been tightened at railway stations in Western UP, as well as, Delhi. The security personnel at railway stations in the area were put on alert and a massive checking was conducted by the GRP, Railway Police, Civil Police, dog squad and bomb detection squad yesterday.

The letter was addressed to the station master of Shamli railway station and was received on Tuesday. The writer threatened to blow up all the prominent railway stations of western UP. According to Deputy Superintendent of Police (GRP) Ramesh Tripathi, security has been tightened and frisking of passengers increased at Shamli railway station.

Jaish-e-Mohammed(JeM) is the terror outfit which masterminded the horrendous Pulwama attack on February 14, 2019, when a suicide bomber Adil Ahmed Dar had rammed an SUV loaded with 350 kilos of explosives into one of the buses carrying a CRPF convoy, killing 40 CRPF jawans.

On Monday, ANI sources have claimed that top Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) commanders have been eliminated in targeted action by India post the Pulwama terror attack.

Of the 66 terrorists killed in Jammu and Kashmir this year, 27 belong to the Pakistan-based terror outfit out of which 19 were eliminated after the February 14 Pulwama attack, sources added.

Within 45 days of the Pulwama attack, the entire JeM team involved in the attack neutralised through a combination of technical and human intelligence-based operations. This also includes arrest and deportation of Jaish cadre who were involved in the operation, sources mentioned.