Nagaland minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) state President Temjen Imna Along, who has now become an internet sensation for his witty responses and humour, posted yet another intresting video that is making waves on Twitter. In the new video, Nagaland's Minister of Higher Education and Tribal Affairs can be heard recalling his first visit to Delhi back in 1999 and how then rest of the India used to think about the northeastern state.

After winning appreciations for his "small eyes" quip and his rather quirky tweets, Along once again took to the micro-blogging site and spoke about the misconception people of Delhi had about Nagaland. In the video, the politician also said that people living in Delhi was more than the entire population of Nagaland. 

"When I first came to Delhi in 1999 and got off at the Old Delhi railway station, I was shocked to see the number of people there. The number was more than the entire population of Nagaland. I was shocked beyond belief," Along said in the video.

"Most of the people in Delhi had no clue where Nagaland is. They used to ask me 'Do we need visa to visit Nagaland?'," said the minister. The latest video came after Nagaland minister assured that he would upload one very soon.

"Itni Khushi. Humbled by all the love and support I have received from people across the country. Thank you all for the loved showered upon me. Also, for those who are asking for another video of mine, I will try to upload it soon," Along tweeted with a Govinda meme which broke the internet.

He also grabbed headline for  joking about the benefits of having "small eyes" during a public address. The video was also shared by Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma.