Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers protested in Telangana's Hanumakonda on Saturday. Heavy police were deployed from Kakatiya University to the Ambedkar Centre ahead of the BJP's planned unemployment march. BJP State President Bandi Sanjay arrived in Hanumakonda ahead of the march. The launch of the "Nirudyoga March" from Warangal can be seen as a strong retaliation against the state government by Sanjay, as this is the same location from which he was recently arrested.

According to BJP Spokesperson NV Subhash, the march will begin at Kakatiya University and end at the Ambedkar Statue, and people from all walks of life will participate. Subash claimed that Telangana State Public Service Commission papers had been leaked by people close to state minister KT Rama Rao and chief minister K Chandrashekar Rao and that 30 lakh job seekers in the state are awaiting employment, ANI reported. 

"Their hopes have been dashed. We have approached the court and asked for immediate action against Rao. To investigate the scam, a sitting high court judge should be appointed. Students who took the exam should be compensated," the BJP leader said. "Many intellectuals from Warangal will participate in the Nirudyoga March." Job seekers will also be present, he said, adding that they have obtained police permission for the event.

The next leg of his march will begin in Mehboobnagar on April 21, followed by Khammam, the dates of which are still being finalised, according to the BJP. "I will be doing 10 rallies across the state and then conclude with a mega rally in Hyderabad," Bandi Sanjay previously told ANI.

"There are three demands. Following the leak of the paper, IT Minister KT Rama Rao should resign. We demand an investigation by a sitting High Court judge, as well as compensation of Rs 1 lakh for all students affected by the leak," Sanjay added. The Telangana BJP chief was arrested late on April 4 at his Karimnagar residence in connection with the paper leak case.

On April 6, he was granted bail by a magistrate court. A magistrate's court in Warangal granted bail on the condition of a Rs 20,000 surety.