New Delhi: RJD Chief Lalu Prasad Yadav’s son Tej Pratap Yadav, who recently made headlines for seeking divorce from his wife Aishwarya Rai; after being married for only 6 months; doesn’t seem to have gotten out of the emotional trauma still and his social media handles are a proof of the same. Yadav on Friday took to his Twitter account and quoted famous lines by Kabir-

Toote sir phir na jutey, jutey gaanth pari jaye

Which means once a thing gets broken or shattered; it cannot be fixed; and if we try and fix it; it leaves a knot and never gets smooth like before.

This comes after several efforts were made from both the families to bring back the newlywed couple together.

Tej Pratap had filed for a divorce in Bihar’s family court citing reasons that he is getting smothered and cannot continue to live his life like this.

Tej Pratap Yadav and Aishwarya Rai had tied the knot in May this year in a lavish ceremony in Bihar and now his divorce petition is expected to come up for hearing on November 29.

When asked about the divorce, Tejashwi Yadav,"I have been living a stifled (ghut ghut ke) life. How long can one go on like this?" He also said he has not been on talking terms with his wife for the past couple of months.