Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday (September 4) engaged in an interaction with the recipients of the National Teachers' Award 2023, setting the stage for the forthcoming award ceremony. The meeting took place in anticipation of Teachers' Day celebrations, with the esteemed presence of Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan and other high-ranking officials at the venue. The National Teachers' Award has been bestowed upon 75 educators from diverse corners of the nation, recognising their outstanding contributions to the field of education.

"Met our nation's exemplary educators who have been honored with the National Teachers' Awards. Their dedication to shaping young minds and their unwavering commitment to excellence in education is truly inspiring. In their classrooms, they are crafting a brighter future for India's youth," stated the Prime Minister in a social media post.

President Droupadi Murmu is slated to confer the awards upon these esteemed educators on September 5. Among the recipients are 50 school teachers, 13 educators from higher education institutions, and 12 from the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, an official told PTI. 

President Droupadi Murmu To Present Awards To 75 Educators From Various Educational Sectors Today

President Droupadi Murmu is scheduled to bestow the National Teachers’ Award on 75 accomplished educators from across the nation. The award ceremony, as announced by the Ministry of Education, will unfold at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. Each laureate will receive a certificate of merit, a cash prize of Rs 50,000, and a silver medal. Furthermore, the awardees will have the privilege of interacting with the Prime Minister, as mentioned in the official statement.

The Department of School Education and Literacy, under the Ministry of Education, has been steadfast in organizing a national-level event on Teachers' Day each year. This event serves as a platform to confer the National Awards upon the most exceptional educators in the country, meticulously selected through a rigorous and transparent process.

This year, the National Teachers’ Award has been broadened to encompass teachers from the Department of Higher Education and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. The honorees comprise 50 school teachers, 13 educators from higher education, and 12 teachers from the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

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Every year, the nation commemorates September 5, the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, as National Teachers’ Day. The primary objective of the National Teachers’ Award is to celebrate the distinct contributions of educators in the country and to pay tribute to those teachers who, through their unwavering commitment and dedication, have not only elevated the quality of education but have also enriched the lives of their students.