New Delhi: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday alleged that Congress VP Rahul Gandhi and PM Modi struck a deal on Friday following which the government said political parties depositing the demonetized Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes in their accounts will not face income tax investigation.

“Rahul Gandhi met PM Modi yesterday and after that the decision was taken not to probe political parties. Is there a deal that’s taken place? Rahul should stop his deals with Modi and make corruption information against the latter public,” Kejriwal said.

The AAP chief has demanded a setting up of commission to investigate source of funding of political parties. (WATCH VIDEO BELOW)

“Political parties are converting black money into white and it is a big scam that’s going on. Everyone now doubts the motive of BJP. They have hoarded thousands of crores to buy land and motorcycles,” Kejriwal said.

“Since beginning we said the intention of PM is not genuine. Political parties have the largest amount of black money in this country… why is BJP afraid and why shouldn’t it come purview of IT probe. An independent commission should be formed to investigate funding of political parties in the past five years,” he said.

Kejriwal also condemned the hikes in petrol, diesel prices and demanded a rollback.

Tax exemptions to political parties subject to conditions: Govt.

Revenue Secretary Hasmukh Adhia on Friday said the government is not tinkering with the tax exemption available to political parties and they are free to deposit old 500 and 1000 rupee notes in their bank accounts. But these deposits will, however, be subject to the condition that individual donations taken in cash do not exceed Rs 20,000 and are properly documented with full identity of the donor. (PTI)