Chennai, Tamil Nadu: With the number of AIADMK leaders joining acting Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam's group increasing, party's general secretary V.K. Sasikala on Sunday rubbished the letter stating that she would commit suicide if Governor Ch Vidyasagar Rao does not take apt action to end the ongoing political crisis in Tamil Nadu and said that it was a conspiracy by those who cannot tolerate a lady taking the center stage in politics.
"A letter addressed to the Governor, bearing my signature, is being circulated stating that I will kill myself. I would like to say that this letter is fake. It shows that there are some people, who cannot tolerate a lady's entry in electoral politics," Sasikala said.
Earlier today, a letter circulated on social media claimed that Sasikala has threatened to commit suicide if Governor Rao does not take a final call soon. Responding to a poser as to how she would tide over the current crisis, Sasikala said, "Things which are happening now are not new to us. There were attempts in past also to divide the party.
When MGR died, the AIADMK had to face similar situation. I witnessed a similar situation when Jayalalithaa was set to take over." Meanwhile, the number of AIADMK MPs joining Panneerselvam's group is increasing day-by-day.
Panneerselvam has the support of the seven MLAs as of now. If he gets the support of 18 MLAs, Sasikala will not be able to form the government on her own. In the 235-member Tamil Nadu Assembly, the AIADMK has 135 MLAs.
On February 5, AIADMK general secretary VK Sasikala was elected as the party's legislature leader, a step towards her elevation as chief minister of Tamil Nadu. Earlier, both sides called on the Governor pressing their demand to invite them to form the government.