VILLUPURAM: A police constable in Tamil Nadu shot dead his girlfriend using his service revolver after celebrating her birthday in Villupuram district, police said on Wednesday. Karthikeyan, 27, and Saraswathi, 25, were found dead in the latter's house.
The incident occurred on Tuesday when Karthikeyan, who hails from Erode district and was posted in Vellore district, had gone to the woman's house on her birthday.
Police said an argument broke out between the two and suddenly in a fit of rage, he shot dead her with his revolver before shooting himself in the head.
Sarawathi, who was pursuing medicine, had befriended Karthikeyan, on social media, they said.
Karthikeyan visited Saraswathi at her native village to celebrate her birthday along with his friends, where a quarrel broke out between the two. In a feat of anger, Karthikeyan pulled his service pistol and fired twice at Sarawathi, killing her on the spot. He then killed himself by opening firing on his head.
Tamil Nadu cop shoots girlfriend dead on her birthday, kills himself later
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
10 Oct 2018 05:27 PM (IST)
A police constable in Tamil Nadu shot dead his girlfriend using his service revolver after celebrating her birthday in Villupuram district, police said on Wednesday. Karthikeyan, 27, and Saraswathi, 25, were found dead in the latter's house.
The incident occurred Tuesday when Karthikeyan, who hails from Erode district and was posted in Vellore district, had gone to the woman's house on her birthday. Photo: Representational
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